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Macbeth Custom Color Palette

작성자 사진: Chaewon LeeChaewon Lee

최종 수정일: 2019년 5월 3일

1. Any 2 characters in Macbeth (for example, "Banquo" and "Macbeth")

- 3 witches \ Lady Macbeth

Lady Macbeth  Blood Red  - The murder that she committed to kill the king and the trauma that she had to go over because of her sense of guilt. It shows how she got insane because the blood on her hand could not get off of her mind. Royal Blue  - It represents how she settled down her mind and keep her attitude to not be shaken by Macbeth' and her conscience. How she "unsexed" herself to be strong and not feel guilt to kill another person shows her sincerity too. Silver  - It is the color of the Dagger that was used to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth was not the person who actually committed the murder, but still she had to camouflage that the two drunk servants killed the king. Midnight  - The crime happened at midnight, and the darkness covered her eyes from her conscience and guilty. Royal Gold  - It represents what Lady Macbeth wanted; the royal, the wealth and the power. The shadow got darker as she believed the shining rich gold, and it leaded her to crime.
Lady Macbeth Blood Red - The murder that she committed to kill the king and the trauma that she had to go over because of her sense of guilt. It shows how she got insane because the blood on her hand could not get off of her mind. Royal Blue - It represents how she settled down her mind and keep her attitude to not be shaken by Macbeth' and her conscience. How she "unsexed" herself to be strong and not feel guilt to kill another person shows her sincerity too. Silver - It is the color of the Dagger that was used to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth was not the person who actually committed the murder, but still she had to camouflage that the two drunk servants killed the king. Midnight - The crime happened at midnight, and the darkness covered her eyes from her conscience and guilty. Royal Gold - It represents what Lady Macbeth wanted; the royal, the wealth and the power. The shadow got darker as she believed the shining rich gold, and it leaded her to crime.

2. Any 2 scenes in Macbeth (for example, the witches' prophecy scene in the beginning and the "out out damned spot" scene)

Fair is Foul, and foul is fair.

Hover through the fog and filthy air.

Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me form the crown to the top-full of direst cruelty.

3. Macbeth the play as a whole. (for this you might want to think about themes, such as fear, guilt, ambition, violence, abuse of power, madness)

- Cryptic

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