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작성자 사진: Chaewon LeeChaewon Lee

최종 수정일: 2019년 5월 3일

If fear is your greatest enemy, what is your greatest ally? Why?

-My greatest ally is faith because fear comes from the lack of faith. If a person has a stable faith or a place to come back and rest, that person can not even think about what they fear at all.

If you could create the perfect person, what characteristics (physical & emotional) would they have?

-I would create a person that has stable mind, who acknowledges the difference, and healthy body that will never be in hospital unless a huge accident happens. Perfect person is not possible because a person can't satisfy all people in this world.

Do you believe that depression and anxiety are side-effects of fear? Why or why not?

-I never thought about they are the idea of side effects of fear. I think they are because the depression and anxiety comes from the fear of relationship with other people or the mind of I have to be perfect.

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